Everything everything- Nicola Yoon


Image result for everything everything bookThis book is about a girl named Madeline who is being treated for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), also known as "bubble baby disease". She is not allowed to leave her house or interact with objects that are not sanitized. Then one day, a family moves in the house beside theirs. Madeline  befriends Olly, the boy next door. They become fast friends and they even meet a few times at her house. When her mom finds out, she fires Carla( her caretaker) and bans Maddy from seeing Olly, but they still talk secretly. Maddy plans to go on a vacation with Olly and over there events take a different turn..


The way the author depicts Madeline's world is very engrossing. The ending is my favorite part as it shows what lengths people go to protect their loved ones. It shows, where he line between care and over protectiveness lies. Maddy's mother tried to protect Maddy but she just ended up taking away a normal life from her daughter which was what Maddy wanted.


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